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Are you a Swiss resident working for a foreign employer who has no domicile in Switzerland? This is called ANobAG in Switzerland, which stands for "employee without a contributory employer". The obligation to pay contributions refers to the social insurances, and they are calculated on the basis of the gross income. Usually, they are paid equally by the employer and employee, currently XY %. The contributions are for the 1st pillar, which includes the AHV, IV, EO, ALV and FAK.

An employer is not liable to pay contributions if he has neither a domicile nor a permanent establishment in Switzerland. Therefore, the obligation to pay contributions is transferred to the employee, who must therefore take care of the timely payment of the contributions, the statements and declarations as well as the correspondence with the social insurance authorities.

In addition to social security contributions, ANobAG must at least take out accident insurance. If they either work for a company based in the EU/EFTA area or work simultaneously in Switzerland and in the EU/EFTA area, they must also join the 2nd pillar, also known as occupational pension or BVG. In addition, further insurances are highly recommended to minimize your risks and to protect them optimally. 

Zürcher Treuhand GmbH

Are you an ANobAG yourself and need support with these complex processes? Our in-house partner Zürcher Treuhand, led by Oliver Diggelmann, will be happy to provide you with competent and reliable support.

Oliver Diggelmann

Please contact us now for a personal consultation

Expat Services Switzerland is individual insurance, pension and financial consultation in German, English and Russian.

More about ANobAG

What do I need to know about ANobAG?

ANobAG "employees without an employer liable to pay contributions" are persons who live in Switzerland and work for a foreign employer who does not have a place of business in Switzerland. This article tells you everything you need to know about this.

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